Type Aliases
Type aliases for use with type hints [PEP484].
In order to keep class and method signatures readable, the documentation for other Yangson modules uses the names of type aliases unprefixed, i.e. without module names.
- yangson.typealiases.DataPath
SchemaPath containing only names of data nodes.
- yangson.typealiases.InstanceName
Object member name (simple or qualified), see sec. 4 of [RFC7951].
- yangson.typealiases.ModuleId
Module identifier: (YangIdentifier, RevisionDate).
- yangson.typealiases.PrefName
Name with optional prefix – [YangIdentifier “:”] YangIdentifier.
- yangson.typealiases.QualName
Qualified name, tuple of name and module name.
- yangson.typealiases.RawEntry
Raw entry of a leaf-list or list.
alias of
] |dict
, RawValue]
- yangson.typealiases.RawMetadataObject
Raw metadata object as returned by JSON parser.
- yangson.typealiases.RawScalar
Raw scalar value as produced by JSON parser.
- yangson.typealiases.RawValue
Raw value of any type.
alias of
] |dict
, RawValue] |list
, RawValue]] |list
- yangson.typealiases.RevisionDate
RevisionDate in the format
, or empty string.
- yangson.typealiases.ScalarValue
Scalar value of an InstanceNode.
- yangson.typealiases.SchemaPath
Schema path similar to instance identifier containing names of schema nodes.
- yangson.typealiases.SchemaRoute
Schema route, a list of qualified names of schema nodes.