********************* Annotated Constraints ********************* .. module:: yangson.constraint :synopsis: Classes representing annotated YANG constraints. .. testsetup:: from yangson.constraint import Intervals, Pattern The *constraint* module implements the following classes: * :class:`Constraint`: Abstract class representing annotated YANG constraints. * :class:`Intervals`: Class representing a sequence of numeric intervals. * :class:`Pattern`: Class representing regular expression pattern. * :class:`Must`: Class representing the constraint specified by a "must" statement. .. rubric:: Type Aliases .. data:: Number Union of numeric classes appearing in interval constraints. .. data:: Interval Numeric interval implemented as a list containing either a single number or a pair of numbers (lower and upper bound). .. class:: Constraint(error_tag: Optional[str], error_message: Optional[str]) Abstract class for annotated YANG constraints, i.e. those for which a custom error tag and error message can be defined. The constructor arguments initialize the instance attributes. .. rubric:: Instance Attributes .. attribute:: error_tag String tag indicating violation of the constraint. A custom error tag can be defined by the **error-app-tag** statement, see sec. ``_ in [RFC7950]_. If the value is ``None``, then some predefined error tag is used in an exception trigerred by violating the constraint. .. attribute:: error_message Text describing the error condition connected to violation of the constraint. A custom error message can be defined by the **error-message** statement, see sec. ``_ in [RFC7950]_. If the value is ``None``, then some predefined error message, which may be empty, is used in an exception trigerred by violating the constraint. .. class:: Intervals(intervals: List[Interval], \ parser: Callable[[str], Optional[Number]] = None, \ error_tag: str = None, error_message: str = None) This class is a subclass of :class:`Constraint`. It represents a sequence of intervals that restrict a numeric leaf value or length of a string, usually specified by the statements **range** and **length**, respectively (see sections `9.2.4`_ and `9.4.4`_ in [RFC7950]_). The constructor arguments initialize the instance attributes. If *parser* is ``None`` (default value), then a parser for dekadic integers is used. .. doctest:: >>> iints = Intervals([[0, 10]], error_tag="out-of-range") .. rubric:: Instance Attributes .. attribute:: intervals A list of numeric intervals. .. attribute:: parser A function that receives a string as the only argument and returns the corresponding numeric value of the appropriate type, or ``None`` if parsing fails. .. rubric:: Public Methods .. method:: __contains__(value: Number) -> bool Return ``True`` if *value* is contained in one of the receiver's intervals, otherwise return ``False``. This method enables the Python operators ``in`` and ``not in`` for use with instances of this class. .. doctest:: >>> 5 in iints True .. automethod:: __str__ .. doctest:: >>> str(iints) '0..10' .. method:: restrict_with(expr: str, error_tag: str = None, \ error_message: str = None) -> None Restrict the receiver with range expression *expr*. Each of the other two arguments, if specified and not equal to ``None``, replaces the value of the corresponding instance attribute. This method raises :exc:`~.InvalidArgument` if *expr* is not a valid range expression. .. doctest:: >>> iints.restrict_with('2..4|6|8..max') >>> str(iints) '2..4 | 6 | 8..10' .. class:: Pattern(pattern: str, invert_match: bool = False, \ error_tag: str = None, error_message: str = None) This class is a subclass of :class:`Constraint`. It represents a constraint defined by the regular expression *pattern*, usually specified by the **pattern** statement (sec. `9.4.5`_ in [RFC7950]_). The remaining constructor arguments initialize the instance attributes. The constructor raises :exc:`~.InvalidArgument` if *pattern* is not a valid YANG regular expression pattern. .. rubric:: Instance Attributes .. attribute:: regex This attribute contains the *Python* regular expression (see module :mod:`re`) translated from the constructor argument *pattern*. .. attribute:: invert_match This is a modifier that reverses the meaning of the pattern matching constraint: it is satisfied if a given string does *not* match the pattern. This modifier is usually specified by the statement :: modifier invert-match; .. doctest:: >>> pat = Pattern('[A-Z][a-z]*') >>> pat.regex.search('Yangson').group() 'Yangson' >>> pat.regex.search('iPhone') is None True Note that the string in the last example doesn't match *pat* because YANG patterns are implicitly “anchored” – in most other flavours of regular expressions the anchoring has to be specified explicitly with special symbols ``^`` and ``$``. .. class:: Must(expression: Expr, error_tag: str = None, error_message: str = None) This class is a subclass of :class:`Constraint`. It represents a constraint defined by the **must** statement (sec. `7.5.3`_ in [RFC7950]_). The constructor arguments initialize the instance attributes. .. rubric:: Instance Attributes .. attribute:: expression A compiled XPath expression, i.e. an instance of the :class:`.xpathast.Expr` class. .. _7.5.3: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section-7.5.3 .. _7.5.4.1: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section- .. _7.5.4.2: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section- .. _9.2.4: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section-9.2.4 .. _9.4.4: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section-9.4.4 .. _9.4.5: https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7950.html#section-9.4.5